PANEL: Creating an Impact through Skills and Education: Nurturing Creativity, Empowering Entrepreneurs and Shaping Sustainable Futures
5. März 2024
This panel discussion will be exploring the future of skill building and education systems and their role in fostering sustainability and empowering young talents and entrepreneurs. The panelists will delve into strategies for enforcing and safeguarding creativity, while also addressing the importance of equipping individuals with new skills and knowledge essential for success in the evolving landscape. Gain insights into the intersection of education, sustainability, and entrepreneurship, as well as practical approaches for educating and nurturing innovative teams poised for success in a rapidly changing world.
Jasmien Wynants
Co-founder Masjien
Prof Dilys Williams
Director Centre of Sustainable Fashion
Paolo Naldini
Director Fondazione Cittadellarte
Carlota Barrera
Fashion Designer