5. Juli 2021
EU VOICES with Marja-Liisa Niinikoski (Finnish Textile & Fashion), Ann Claes (Flanders DC) and Olo Krizova (Czech Fashion Council).
Textile fibres can be produced from nearly any type of cellulose from the forests to agriculture streams and other sources. Innovative technological solutions, the endless possibilities of digitalization and the forward-looking ideas of young designers are the key to a more modern -looking textile industry.
[Finnish Textile & Fashion]
The creative sector will become the driving motor of our economy. It is resistant to automatization and has a never-ending resilience. But the creative sector must be and stay creative itself, keep on re-inventing itself, questioning its methods, KPI’s and business models to achieve more sustainability. We cannot let this momentum pass of rethinking and uniting pass.
[Flanders DC]
Let’s keep an open dialogue between creatives and the business industry. Fashion is part of our cul-tural identity.
[Czech Fashion Council]